Games are helping us ask critical questions about our growing ability to construct reality


Game Theory by Matt S. Note: To be upfront and fair, there are major spoilers for Death Come True and The Caligula Effect ahead. Don’t read on unless you’re comfortable reading discussion about the endings of these two games. Four years ago, an artist named Matsuda Keiichi produced a wonderful…

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Marie Rose: The making of Dead or Alive’s doll-faced superstar


With a waif-like, petite figure, long blonde hair tied in the twintails fashion, and a flowery dress in the style of Japan’s popular “Gothic Lolita” style, Marie Rose was – and still is – a very different type of character to the other women that we see in Dead or…

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Article by Matt S.  With Final Fantasy XII now released on Nintendo Switch, there is a lot of Square Enix goodness to enjoy on the console. A lot of it has come close to one another, too, and if you relatively new to the series, it might be difficult to…

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