PowerWash Simulator VR launches this November


It’s honestly a bit of a bummer that I’m writing about PowerWash Simulator VR‘s launch while the original game broke months ago for me on Nintendo Switch, but that’s my own issue. If I could play in the VR format (migraines prevent me) I’d still be jumping on PowerWash Simulator…

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Recap: Upload VR “Summer” Showcase (June 9, 2022)


This week picks up a little bit today, with multiple showcases scheduled. We’ll be covering two of them. Up first is the Upload VR Showcase. Now, I’m not going to lie: I’m not fully invested in VR. It’s not that I don’t think it’s a great idea, it’s more because…

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Developer Q & A: On building a game for the purposes of meditation


Interview by Matt S. It’s difficult to wrap your head around the concept of SoundSelf, and the game’s descriptions don’t help matters, given that it claims to be a “transformative meditation experience guided by your own voice.” Just what do all those words actually mean?  As it turns out, it…

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