The 100 canonical games: 60-51


There are thousands upon thousands of games that have been released over the years. Narrowing them down to a “top 100” was always going to be a challenge, but the whole DDNet team has come together to build a list of the 100 most canonical games that we feel all…

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Article by Matt S. For someone so often referred to as ‘outspoken,’ French-born game designer and the mind behind Heavy Rain and the upcoming Beyond: Two Souls, David Cage, is remarkably softly spoken. Sitting in a small conference room with nothing but the air conditioning humming in the background his…

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Games and sex themes: getting things right


As gamers we are now well familiar with the use of violence in games – as a plot device, as an artistic tool, and even as a bit of good, old-fashioned fun. There are games that heroise violence, games that criticise it, and games that question the use of violence…

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